Analyzing Neural Art Style Transfer using Deep Learning

Nikhil Vinay Sharma
23 min readJan 3, 2021


Co-authored by Abhishek Lalwani & Nikhil Vinay Sharma


In this post, we review & summarize different deep learning methods for extracting art style from artistic images and content from an input image to synthesize new images. The style of the resulting image should be similar to the artistic image from which it is extracted.

We study and analyze the theory behind different breakthrough papers in this field of Artistic Neural Style Transfer, discussing the specific problems they solved and giving their corresponding results along the way.

We’ll be making our way from discussing how vanilla CNNs work to Gatys et al’s original paper on style transfer, and then discuss the research that builds on top of these concepts.

From Left to Right, Content Image, style image and then final style transferred output.

Table of Contents

  1. Convolutional Neural Networks
  2. A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
    Neural Architecture of VGG-16
  3. Improvement using Semantic Measures
  4. Improving the Neural Transfer Algorithm
  5. Perceptual Losses for real-time Style Transfer & Super Resolution
  6. A Learned Representation for Artistic Style
  7. Exploring the structure of a real-time, arbitrary neural Artistic Stylization Network
  8. Generative Adversarial Networks
  9. Cycle GANs
  10. Conclusion

Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks are very similar to ordinary Neural Networks: they are made up of neurons that have learnable weights, and biases. Each neuron receives some inputs, performs a dot product and optionally follows it with a non-linearity. The whole network still expresses a single differentiable score function: from the raw image pixels on one end to class scores at the other. And they still have a loss function on the last (fully-connected) layer and all the properties we know about regular Neural Networks still apply.

CNN architectures make the explicit assumption that the inputs are images, which allows us to encode certain properties into the architecture. These then make the forward function more efficient to implement and vastly reduce the number of parameters in the network.

Convolutional neural networks are biologically-inspired variants of multilayer perceptrons, designed to emulate the behavior of the visual cortex. These models mitigate the challenges posed by the MLP architecture by exploiting the strong spatially local correlation present in natural images. As opposed to MLPs, CNNs have the following distinguishing features:

  • 3D volumes of neurons: The layers of a CNN have neurons arranged in 3 dimensions: width, height, and depth. The neurons inside a layer are connected to only a small region of the layer before it, called a receptive field. Distinct types of layers, both locally and completely connected, are stacked to form a CNN architecture.
  • Local connectivity: Following the concept of receptive fields, CNNs exploit spatial locality by enforcing a local connectivity pattern between neurons of adjacent layers. The architecture thus ensures that the learned “filters” produce the strongest response to a spatially local input pattern. Stacking many such layers leads to non-linear filters that become increasingly global (i.e. responsive to a larger region of pixel space) so that the network first creates representations of small parts of the input, then from them assembles representations of larger areas.
  • Shared weights: In CNNs, each filter is replicated across the entire visual field. These replicated units share the same parameterization (weight vector and bias) and form a feature map. This means that all the neurons in a given convolutional layer respond to the same feature within their specific response field. Replicating units in this way allows for features to be detected regardless of their position in the visual field, thus constituting the property of translation invariance.

Together, these properties allow CNNs to achieve better generalization on vision problems. Weight sharing dramatically reduces the number of free parameters learned, thus lowering the memory requirements for running the network and allowing the training of larger, more powerful networks.

Loss Functions

A loss function is a function that maps an event or values of one or more variables onto a real number intuitively representing some “cost” associated with the event. An optimization problem seeks to minimize a loss function. Here we describe the popular loss functions used for optimization:

  • Mean Squared Error: This measures the average of the squares of the errors or deviations — that is, the difference between the estimator and what is estimated.
  • Cross-Entropy Loss: Cross-entropy loss, or log loss, measures the performance of a classification model whose output is a probability value between 0 and 1. Cross-entropy loss increases, as the predicted probability diverges from the actual label, i.e., a perfect model would have log loss as 0.
  • Hinge Loss: The hinge loss is used for “maximum-margin” classification, most notably for support vector machines (SVMs). For an intended output t = ±1 and a classifier score y, the hinge loss of the prediction y is defined as
  • Absolute Loss: This is the sum of difference between two absolute numbers.

For our purposes, we’ll be using Mean Squared Error only.

A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

This is the research paper by Gatys et al, that first introduced a way to transfer art style from images using CNNs and very specific loss function.


As mentioned in the previous topic, we plan to use CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) for the task of extracting relevant features from our images. Normally, the image is processed by CNNs and the feature maps generated in the subsequent layers are analyzed for objects of interest. Here, as our task is of Image Synthesis, we use the reverse methodology.

  • We start with feeding a randomized image to our network of CNNs. This randomized image is going to be the image in which our target image will be synthesized.
  • While our image is going through the network, we keep comparing the content difference with the content image, and the style difference with the style image.

In the overall process, we define and derive an overall loss measure used for combining the content difference and the style difference of the synthesized image with that of our input images. We further apply gradient descent to minimize this error, which results in our synthesized image.

Neural Architecture of VGG-16

Normally, deep neural networks take weeks to train if we try and train them from scratch. A much better option is to use the pre-trained model which is trained to perform basic operations but can be further trained and fine-tuned for any precise task (Style transfer in our case). For this, we plan to use VGG-19, which stands for Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition. It is a 19-layer deep Convolutional Neural Network which is the current State-of-the-art model for Computer Vision and Feature Extraction tasks.

Here, we only use the first 16 neural layers of the network (VGG-16) as these are the ones that are useful for Feature Extraction, the last three layers are used only for classification purposes.

As mentioned previously we feed our randomized image to this model and try and minimize the error across all the layers.


Once we feed our image into a convolutional neural network, these three steps keep repeating again and again over every layer:

  1. Convolution
  2. Activation
  3. Pooling

A 3x3 filter slides over the entire image and convolves with the whole image. The convolved image thus generated is acted upon by the activation function. This results in what we call the feature map. Using feature maps, we analyze our object of interest in the input image.

This is followed by pooling where the set of values is mapped to one value, which is derived from all those input values. This helps in the size reduction of the generated feature maps.

Analysis of an Image using a Convolutional Neural Network

Error Measure

The error measure we use will encompass the content error and the style error with respect to the content image and the style image respectively. So we first separately define content error and style error and combine the two using a linear equation. The content error is defined as follows:

Fˡᵢⱼ is the activation of the iᵗʰ filter at position j in layer l in the generated image.
Pˡᵢⱼ is the activation of the iᵗʰ filter at position j in layer l in the content input image.
Similarly, the style error is defined as follows:

The combined error can be defined as:

Where ‘p’ is the photograph (content image), ‘a’ is the artwork (style image) and ‘x’ is our synthesized image. Now, we try and minimize the error using optimization techniques, stochastic gradient descent.

CIty skyline styled mildly with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

Improvement using Semantic Measures

The second paper we take a look at is Semantic Style Transfer and Turning Two-Bit Doodles into Fine Artwork by Alex J. Champandard et al.

Although the above method is pretty satisfactory, the glitches generated while using the above method are pretty high. This is because the network is not able to recognize the discrete areas in a typical portrait such as hair, face, clothes, and the background. It ends up merging those areas and this results in what is known as glitch art. Although this kind of glitch art also has its place, it is very less desirable as compared to the expected results. To improve upon this, we introduce the concept of semantic labels in the picture.

The semantic nature of an image is labeling every pixel in terms of what it represents. An example of a Semantic map is given below along with the original image.

Original Image
Semantic Map

Now, if we can somehow use the sharp boundaries and areas defined in the semantic map then we can improve upon the performance of the Style transfer model which we have developed up till now. For this, we concatenate the feature maps with a down-sampled semantic map as shown in the figure. The rest of the analysis remains the same in terms of error measure and the optimization technique used.

Augmented CNN that uses regular filters of N channels (top), concatenated with a semantic map of M=1 channel (bottom) either the output from another network capable of labeling pixels or as manual annotations.

What the results look like when using this approach in style transfer for similar images:

Improving the Neural Transfer Algorithm

While showing great results when transferring homogeneous and repetitive patterns, the original style representation by Gatys et al often fails to capture more complex properties, like having separate styles of foreground and background. This leads to visual artifacts and undesirable textures appearing in unexpected regions when performing style transfer.

Here, we take a look at Improving the Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style, which builds upon the original concepts by Gatys et al.

Further, when visually inspecting style transfer results and commenting on the quality, we use two complementary criteria that we expect a good style transfer algorithm to meet:

  • Similar areas of the content image should be repainted similarly.
  • Different areas should be repainted differently.

As it turns out, it is often difficult to satisfy both simultaneously. This paper states a lot of improvements to the older algorithm, the most useful ones are stated below.

Modifications in the original Algorithm

1. Layer Weight Adjustment
A better per-layer content style weighting scheme for style and content losses is given by —

Where D is the total number of layers used and d(l) is the depth of layer ‘l’ with respect to all the other layers used. This is done to preserve more information since the content is represented mostly by the shallow layers and style is represented by the deeper layers.

2. Using More Layers
In Gatys et al’s paper, only five layers are used for the calculation of Gram Matrices, here we use all 16 layers for the calculation.

3. Activation Shift
This is based on the fact that sparsity is detrimental to style transfer. VGG19’s normalized CNN layers output non-negative activations with mean +1. For typical image outputs are also sparse in all layers, all filters usually have few non-zero activations across the spatial dimensions (matrix). This results in sparse Gram Matrices. This allows unexpected patterns to appear in regions one would typically expect to be filled with a uniform background color. Hence the equation for Gram Matrix,

Is changed to,

Where ‘s’ is the shift value added to matrices element-wise. Putting s=-1, i.e., centering the activations at 0, gives the best results.

In this case, the gradient contributions are changed as follows,

This eliminates the ambiguity of zero entries in Gram matrices and improves results while accelerating convergence across different style images and style transfer methods, i.e., faster optimization. Furthermore, this helps in better distinguishing between the foreground and the background.

4. Correlations of Features from Different Layers

We incorporate the use of Gram Matrices to get feature correlations belonging to possibly different layers l and k.

This turned out to be not that effective in improving the process.

5. Correlation Chain

We constrain the correlation of high and low-level features, but in a local way, where only the correlation with immediate neighbors is considered. This approach has led to a consistent and often significant improvement in style transfer quality in most cases considered.

A comparison can be made from the following, where a picture of a cat was used as a content image –

Perceptual Losses for real-time Style Transfer & Super Resolution

Another issue with Gatys et al’s original method is the speed at which the network can be trained and generate images, Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution by Justin Johnson et al, explores a new method for real-time transfer.

While showing great results whilst transferring style Gatys et al’s algorithm takes around 6–8 hours typically on a CPU for 512x512 image. Here is proposed a more developed method by Johnson et al using which one can transfer art to any image in real-time. The proposed algorithm is 1000x times faster. We train feed-forward transformation networks for image transformation tasks, but rather than using per-pixel loss functions depending only on low-level pixel information, we train our networks using perceptual loss functions that depend on high-level features from a pre-trained loss network. During training, perceptual losses measure image similarities more robustly than per-pixel losses, and at test-time, the transformation networks run in real-time.

Training an image transformation network to transform input images into output images. We use a loss network pretrained for image classification to define perceptual loss functions that measure perceptual differences in content and style between images. The loss network remains the same during the training process.


Our system consists of two components: an image transformation network f𝓌 and a loss network that is used to define several loss functions l₁; l₂: : : ; lₖ. The image transformation network is a deep residual convolutional neural network parameterized by weights 𝓌; it transforms input images x into output images ^y via the mapping ^y = f𝓌(x). Each loss function computes a scalar value lᵢ(^y; yᵢ) measuring the difference between the output image ^y and a target image yᵢ. The image transformation network is trained using stochastic gradient descent to minimize a weighted combination of loss functions:

The key insight of these methods is that convolutional neural networks pre-trained for image classification have already learned to encode the perceptual and semantic information we would like to measure in our loss functions. Therefore, we make use of a network (VGG-16) that has been pre-trained for image classification as a fixed loss network to define our loss functions.

Image Transformation Networks

1. Inputs and Outputs
For style transfer, the input and output are both color images of shape 3x256x256.

2. Downsampling and Upsampling
For style transfer, our networks use two stride-2 convolutions to downsample the input followed by several residual blocks and then two convolutional layers with stride 1/2 to upsample. Although the input and output have the same size, there are several benefits to networks that downsample and then upsample. The first is computational. After downsampling, we can therefore use a larger network for the same computational cost. The second benefit has to do with effective receptive field sizes. High-quality style transfer requires changing large parts of the image coherently; therefore it is advantageous for each pixel in the output to have a large effective receptive field in the input.

3. Residual Connections
We use residual connections to train very deep networks for image classification. We argue that residual connections make it easy for the network to learn the identity function; this is an appealing property for image transformation networks. Since in most cases the output image should share structure with the input image.

Perceptual Loss Functions

1. Feature Reconstruction Loss
The feature reconstruction loss is the (squared, normalized) Euclidean distance between feature representations of content image and transformed image:

2. Style Reconstruction Loss
Calculated in the same way as Gatys et al, we take the difference in Gram matrices of feature representations of transformed image and the style image.

And the loss function is given by,

Training the Network

For training the network, Microsoft Coco Dataset was used (a dataset of 80,000 annotated images), which were rescaled to 256x256 and using one particular style image, the style was transferred to each of these images using Gatys et al’s original method. Afterwards, the image transformation network was trained on these images using the VGG-16 loss network. We trained our networks with a batch size of 4 for 40,000 iterations, giving roughly two epochs over the training data. The output images by the network are close to resembling the ones by Gatys, but the process is 1000x faster.

Hyperparameters used

We used Adam with a learning rate of 1 x 10⁻³. for optimization instead of using Stochastic Gradient Descent, since Adam performs faster and better in this case. The output images are regularized with total variation regularization with a strength of between 1 x 10⁻⁶ and 1 x 10⁻⁴, chosen via cross-validation per style target. We do not use weight decay or dropout, as the model does not overt within few epochs.


A Learned Representation for Artistic Style

In this paper by the Google Brain team, we investigate the construction of a single, scalable deep network that can capture the artistic style of a diversity of paintings. The paper demonstrates that such a network generalizes across a diversity of artistic styles by reducing a painting to a point in an embedding space. Importantly, this model permits a user to explore new painting styles by arbitrarily combining the styles learned from individual paintings.

The paper builds upon the technique proposed by Gatys et al, of minimizing style and content losses.

We used Tensorflow’s Magenta module developed by the Google Brain Team for training and testing.


This work stems from the intuition that many styles probably share some degree of computation and that this sharing is thrown away by training N networks from scratch when building an N- styles style transfer system. The paper proposes to train a single conditional style transfer network T(c, s) for N styles. The conditional network is given both a content image and the identity of the style to apply and produces an output corresponding to that style.

This approach is referred to as conditional instance normalization. The goal of the procedure is to transform a layer’s activations x into a normalized activation z specific to painting style s. Building off the instance normalization technique proposed in Ulyanov et al., we augment the γ and β parameters so that they’re N x C matrices, where N is the number of styles being modeled and C is the number of output feature maps. Conditioning on a style is achieved as follows:

where μ and σ are x’s mean and standard deviation taken across spatial axes and γs and βs are obtained by selecting the row corresponding to s in the γ and β matrices.

One added benefit of this approach is that one can stylize a single image into N painting styles with a single feed-forward pass of the network with a batch size of N. In contrast, a previously mentioned single-style networks require N feed-forward passes to perform N style transfers.

Training the Network

The architecture used is the same as Johnson et al. except for two major changes –

  1. Zero-padding is replaced with mirror-padding
    The use of mirror-padding avoids border patterns sometimes caused by zero-padding in SAME-padded convolutions.
  2. Replacement of Transposed convolutions layers
    Transposed convolutions (also sometimes called deconvolutions) are replaced with nearest-neighbor upsampling followed by a convolution. The replacement for transposed convolutions avoids checkerboard patterning.

The ImageNet (256x256x3 size) dataset is used for training using the Adam optimizer.


We trained the model on ten different painting styles of Monet’s painting hoping to capture his impressionist style of painting. We showcase a few of the outputs here.

Claude Monet, Grainstacks at Giverny; the Evening Sun
Claude Monet, Plum Trees in Blossom
Claude Monet, Poppy Field
Claude Monet, Sunrise (Marine)

Exploring the structure of a real-time, arbitrary neural Artistic Stylization Network

This research paper proposes a method that combines the flexibility of the neural algorithm of artistic style with the speed of fast style transfer networks to allow real-time stylization using any content/style image pair.


This paper builds heavily upon the work done in “A Learned Representation of Artistic Style” and extends the concept of conditional instance normalization. This linear transformation mentioned in the paper is unique to each painting style s. In particular, the concatenation -

constitutes a roughly 3000-d embedding vector representing the artistic style of a painting. We denote this style transfer network as T(C, S).

We propose a simple extension in the form of a style prediction network P (.) that takes as input an arbitrary style image s and predicts the embedding vector ~S of normalization constants, as illustrated in the figure above. The crucial advantage of this approach is that the model can generalize to an unseen style image by predicting its proper style embedding at test time.

For predicting the Style Vector (Style Prediction Network), we use InceptionNet-v3 network architecture with two extra layers connected at the end and compute the mean across each activation channel which returns a feature vector of dimension of approximately 750. Then we apply two fully connected layers on top of it to predict the final embedding ~S. Training of both the networks takes place simultaneously and hence takes a huge amount of time to train even on GPUs.

Generative Adversarial Networks

Before we take a look at how Style transfer can be used with GANs, we must take a look at how vanilla GANs work.

Generative Adversarial Networks, as the name suggests, are generative networks that are used for generating content belonging to particular pre-defined class. For understanding the functionality of GANs, we first need to understand the terms generative and discriminative networks.

Discriminative Algorithms are classification algorithms that try and attach a label to input data, depending upon the features of the input data. For example, a spam detection algorithm will analyze an email, and depending upon the words occurring in the email (features), it will assign a label of ‘spam’ or ‘not-spam’ depending upon the extracted features.

Generative algorithms work in the reverse direction as compared to Discriminative Algorithms. On being given a label, the generative algorithm will try and generate features that represent that particular label. In other words, they try and predict the probability of a particular feature being there in the data, given a label as input. So, they try and generate the data corresponding to a label.

Now, what happens in a typical GAN is, a generative network and a discriminative network are pitted against each other. The generative network or the generator tries to generate instances which the discriminative network or the discriminator, tries to classify as fake or real, depending upon the training set over which our discriminator is trained. As it can be seen, both the networks simultaneously try and get better at their task. The generator tries to generate better instances that are as close to the training set as possible whereas the discriminator tries to improve the classification accuracy. This simultaneous training of both the networks makes it relatively difficult to train a GAN as compared to a normal Neural Network.

Here, the generator tries to generate an image of a hand-written number similar to MNIST dataset, and the discriminator tries

Here, generator tries to generate an image of a hand-written number similar to MNIST dataset and the discriminator tries to identify that as fake or real

The loss function of a typical GAN is defined as follows-

This expression is for the most basic form of GAN using multilayer perceptron model as given in the paper titled “Generative Adversarial Nets” by Ian Goodfellow from NIPS 2014.

Here, E represents the expected value of the expression.

D represents the Discriminator network/function. In other words, it represents the probability of the input being from the original data rather than being an output of the generator network.

G represents the Generator network/function.

Using this Loss function, we train the discriminator to correctly identify a real or a fake input depending upon its probability of belonging to the original data distribution rather than being generated from the generator.

For training, we alternate between ‘k’ steps of optimizing D (Discriminator) and one step of optimizing G (Generator).

The global minimum for optimizing a GAN is at the point where the probability of the input predicted by D is equal to 0.5, or in other words, the probability of the input being from the dataset and being generated by the generator is equal.

Cycle GANs

Cycle GANs are a special form of GANs that are used for learning the implicit relationship between 2 classes of datasets for which there is a lack in the quantity of supervised paired examples. They majorly focus on generating images in a different target domain as compared to the domain of the input images. The name is inspired by the introduction of a new term in the Loss function, known as ‘Cyclic Loss’, which allows us to enforce the cyclic relation of the Generator and the Discriminator network.

So, if we try and generate an image in the target domain using an input image in a particular domain, then we should be able to get the input image in our input domain using a suitable generator network and our output image in the target domain as input. This property is known as “Cycle Consistency” and we plan to use this property, along with the related knowledge of GANs to improve upon the task of Neural Style Transfer.

Here, Cycle-Consistency Loss is shown visually using 2 generator networks working in opposite directions but between the same domain spaces

Network Architecture

Here, as it can be seen, there are 2 generators and 2 discriminators. The 2 generators, as said before, work in the opposite direction, but, between the same 2 domain spaces. Similarly, the 2 discriminators work on images belonging to 2 different domain spaces. Thus, to optimize the whole network, we need to take 3 separate terms into account in our Loss function.

  1. Loss corresponding to GAN 1 from Input Domain space to Target Domain Space
  2. Loss corresponding to GAN 2 from Target Domain space to Input Domain Space
  3. Cycle Inconsistency Loss

Thus, our final Loss function reduces to -

There are some further minor changes to this function as well, such as the definition of LGAN is changed from negative likelihood to least-squares for achieving stability on our model training procedure.

Generator Architecture

The generator, as the architecture shows, is comprised of 3 parts-

  1. Encoder
    The Encoder, as the name suggests, encodes the input image into a different feature space. This is done using convolution layers to extract the features of the input image which can then be transformed to target domain space and thus de-convolved to generate the output image.
  2. Transformer
    The transformation of the image from the input domain space to the target domain space is done using the Resnet blocks as shown in the image. This is done to retain the input features of the image.
  3. Decoder
    The last part of the generator network is the decoder, which generates the image from the transformed input feature space.

Discriminator Architecture

The Discriminator Architecture, as it can be seen, basically consists of several convolution layers for extracting the information from the images. The information thus extracted is used to generate the probability of the input image belonging to a target class.



Over the past several years, Neural Style Transfer has continued to become an inspiring research area, motivated by both scientific challenges and industrial demands with a considerable amount of research being conducted in the field. It is quite a fast-paced area, and we are looking forward to more exciting works devoted to advancing the development of this field. Although current algorithms achieve remarkable results, there are still several challenges and open issues. After thoroughly reviewing the current state-of-the-art literature above, we summarize key challenges within this field and discuss their corresponding possible solutions.

  • Evaluation methodology
    We believe that the lack of a standard aesthetic criterion is a major cause that prevents Neural Style Transfer from becoming a mainstream research direction like object detection and recognition. We think that the problem of a standard aesthetic criterion for neural style transfer is a generalized problem of Photographic Image Aesthetic Assessment, and one could get inspiration from related research in this area.
  • Interpretable Neural Style Transfer
    An important issue is the interpretability of Neural Style Transfer algorithms. Like many other CNN-based computer vision tasks, Neural Style Transfer is a black box, which makes it quite uncontrollable. Interpreting CNN feature statistics-based style transfer can benefit the separation of different style attributes and address the problem of a finer control during stylization. For example, current Neural Style Transfer algorithms cannot guarantee the detailed orientations and continuities of curves in stylized results. And also, it’s difficult to ascertain if a particular model will work for different types of stylized images.
  • Speed, Flexibility, and Quality in Neural Style Transfer
    The most concerning challenge is probably the three-way trade-off between speed, flexibility, and quality in Neural Style Transfer. Although current Arbitrary-Style-Per-Model Fast Neural Method (ASPM) algorithms successfully transfer arbitrary styles, they are not that satisfying in perceptual quality and speed. The quality of data-driven ASPM quite relies on the diversity of training styles. However, one can hardly cover every style due to the great diversity of artworks. Image transformation-based ASPM transfer arbitrary styles in a learning-free manner, but it is behind others in speed. One of the keys to this problem may be a better understanding of the optimization procedure in Neural Style Transfer. The choice of the optimizer (e.g., Adam and L-BFGS) in Neural Style Transfer greatly influences the visual quality. We believe that a deep understanding of optimization can help find the local minima faster and can lead to a higher quality image. Also, a well-studied automatic layer chosen strategy would help improve the quality.

